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Ways Donations Benefit the Clinic

Because Clínica Betania operates apart from government funding, it relies on clinic charges, churches, and private donors to continue its ministry. To meet the needs of its patients at the lowest cost, the clinic needs donations for medicine and operating costs, which amount to $3,800 of support needed a month. These funds would be enough to cover all the expenses necessary to effectively serve the surrounding community.


By investing in this ministry of mercy, you are supporting a mission different from the various private clinics and other non-governmental organizations around town that also provide inexpensive or free medical care to the community. Not only are you enabling its employees to experience the fulfilment of the Lord’s calling to serve others, but you are also allowing them to meet the immediate, growing needs of a community direly lacking medical and spiritual care.


I know that the Lord will maintain

the cause of the afflicted,
   and will execute justice for the needy.

Psalm 140:12 


Religion that is pure and undefiled

before God the Father is this:

to visit orphans and widows in their affliction,

and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

James 1:27



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